SOGO has the biggest network of malls in the Japan. We decided to go shopping to one of them that was nearby our hotel. Unfortunately, we had not enough time to visit all floors and shops.

On our way to SOGO, we admire the great buildings of Minato Mirai 21 district.

Almost nobody around – the city looked deserted. Only our team was so tough to go outside in such a heat :P..

At the entrance the big dinosaur was waiting. Of course, Julia had to take a photo with it :).

SOGO as for a mall looked cute, unfortunately from the lack of time we had to give up on many curiosities :P.

Lego exposition invited to visit Lego shop on the 10th floor.

The ground floor was occupied with food stores.

A schoolgirl with her mother looked like two peers from the same school bench :).

Sushi, cookies or sandwiches – all packed and arranged with highest precision.

What's more interesting, the food is prepared and packed in front of us. In Japan there is no way for having not fresh food.

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