Trip to Tokyo

On 27th of July we went for a whole day trip to Tokyo. Unfortunately, one day is far too short for sightseeing...

For our transport we chose the railway and subway. Mikołaj is trying to buy some tickets... fortunately, the information is available in English.

In both stations and subways there is air conditioning, which helps withstand incredible heat.

In subway we were the loudest passengers - rest of the people were sleeping or reading paper.

The subway station. People stand in queue in the marked areas, where the train doors will appear after the train arrives. What is more interesting, the train always stops precisely in the marked areas, and is right on time. We would like to invite JR lines to Poland :].

The guys in the underground.

... wait a minute... where are we?

Hmmm... it is so complicated.

Maybe we should ask a policeman... if that really is a policeman.

Finally, we know all we need.

It is time for a drink.

Perhaps Karol did not like his drink...

We are waiting for the Shinkansen so called bullet-train.

A view from the station.

A view on the passing train - unfortunately, it is too fast even for our skillful photographer :P.

And one more view from the station.

Shinkansen - always there, always on time. We can get on.

But first we should stand in queue... (on the right: Jacek and Karol are in the middle of debate about the accuracy of the engine driver ;))

We are in the bullet-train.

Julia demonstrates the tickets. We paid a lot for them and this is the only evidence of their existence so watch closely :P.

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